Looks pretty good to me, Don. It's helpful to have the pros and cons and different schools of thought all together - even those with which you don't agree.

I think I'd add a link to both Art DeVany and to the Beyond Vegetarian site.

I think also you might mention that food in the Palaeolithic was free from the chemical pollutants that are in most foods today. You are right to mention organic food and grass-fed meat, but you could easily extend your support for authenticity (i.e., (a) free from modern pollutants, and (b) complete with original micronutrients) to plant foods.

You write: "Our ancestors would have found and eaten fermented fruit". This is quite true, but can readily be rounded out thus:

"Our ancestors would occasionally have found and eaten fermented fruit in season" 

While on the topic of fruit, because much of our fruit comes from varieties that have been selected over many years for sweetness, size and particular colours, you should point out that - for example - an apple in the Palaeolithic would be tart, no bigger than a golf ball and have leathery skin. Putting no limit on fruit consumption is, therefore, non-Palaeo.