Don stated:

"Are most of the people on zero carbs male? It is possible 
that as women were the gatherers, and men the hunters, that women ate 
more carbs in the past. And therefore they are adapted to eating more 
now, and a zero carb diet would be wrong for them."


I have tried zero carbing, and I cannot tolerate it for long. I don't know if it is because of my other health issues. However, on a daily basis I will eat either  raw green beans, raw cauliflower, raw kelp,  raw carrots, just about any one raw veggie. I am not big on fruit and if I don't have any veggies on hand, I will eat a banana or apple or orange. I prefer raw veggies/lettuces/greens and especially kelp. Aside from the fruit, most of the veggies have very few carbs which suits me just fine. I do not eat grains, bread, potatoes, pasta, etc. If I eat these items, I get very sick to my stomach, and bloated. 

I don't know of this is an answer you are looking for. 

By the way - during certain times of the month, I do crave more fruit, especially bananas. Could be a lack of potassium however. 

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