On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:25:08 -0700, Andrea Hughett <[log in to unmask]>  

> YMMV - I consider both coconut milk and coconut oil to be separated  
> foods, and prefer to use the whole coconut, often in the form of coconut  
> butter.
Isn't coconut butter also a separated food?  If you cracked that coconut,  
you'd have is coconut water and fresh coconut, not coconut butter. If you  
the fresh coconut meat in the blender and added water, then strained, you  
would get coconut milk.  Better than any in a can too.

I have a hard time seeing protein powders as paleo.  Whey is from  
dairy--not paleo.
Soy from legumes, rice protein from grains. And egg protein is a very  
highly processed
form of egg.  Why not just eat eggs? IMHO the closer we come to eating  
one-ingredient non-industrial foods, (leaving out the grain and dairy) the  
healthier we'll be.
