Hi Kendall,

  I'm rather like the elusive Pimpernel. Never know when I'm gonna appear. I just have to say ... it's cold in dem der hills. Atlantic Canada winters are something else! :)
  I'm getting too old for 
-30C to -40C temps and up and down stairs to the den to put wood in the stove. I need a houseboy, dammit! My hand-knit blankies sure come in handy this time of year. Mr. Digby, the wee terrier with `tude loves to snuggle under when I watch tv in the evenings. Family and friends have been after me to get a housemate since I've been on my own (hubby passed away in 2007). Whoever lives with me will have to put up with my habit of nocturnal baking and/or cooking and be prepared to entertain the furkid. He's very demanding. Maybe a house mate could take on the 'keeper of the flame' role while I make all the good eats :)

 I have a wood stove that supplements electric heat, which I don't like as it's not very warming and it dries out my skin; not to mention, electric heat sucks the moisture out of my eyes as well.

 Had I engaged my brain properly during renovations/construction, I'd have had a wood stove installed in the laundry area, which is off my tv room/office (a new wrap-around addition at the back of my home). I think in the spring, I'll have one corner of the laundry room assessed to see if a stove might actually work there. My current stove heats 1,500 square feet, aided by ceiling fans to move warm air around the main floor. If nothing else, I"m getting a nice work out with stair climbing several times a day. I'm using Bio-Bricks instead of cord wood. Lighter weight and easier to manage,  not to mention very efficient. When I"m not engaged in all those various tasks to maintain my status as Domestic Diva extraordinaire, I"m still writing :)

  A couple of weeks ago, I had a potentially brilliant idea in aid of making some of my writing potentially more saleable/sellable. I'm going to rework one of my children's stories and wrap it around a theme popularised by a Canadian tv series I've been watching each evening ... Wind At My Back, which is produced by Sullivan Entertainment (Anne of Green Gables movies). It seems trials and tribulations, followed by resolutions/happy ending movies fare well here in Canuckland. Once I essentially rip my manuscript to shreds and re-write it, I'll push it onto the Sullivan team again. They read it in it's original format years ago and loved it but felt it better suited to print. I want to see my story as a movie! So there, too!. As well, I'm still tossing articles at local newspapers. I wish one of them would give me a column or two ... if only to shut me up. Last year one of those local papers did a piece on me (God only knows why!). What I write about is far more interesting. Who wouldn't love to buy a cookbook chock full of recipes featuring counter top appliances? Maybe I could start selling my recipes, one at a time, via my web site :)

  I have an excellent French Onion Soup recipe if anyone would care to have it; I really impressed an older brother with it and he's a major fusspot :)




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