Second e-mnail:
A Follow-UP to Daddy's Day

How I with my daddy could understand
The pain so close at hand,
His memory was taken from him,
By a fall from a roof working for a friend.

I know he'd hold me if he just could;
But he's living with my sister who says it's for his good;
He gets so down and out when he realizes he can't remember,
Sometimes he cries, and he needs me to be tender.

Sometimes he laughs and laughs cuz of my silly jokes,
Sometimes he smile and bring me a diet coke.
I tell him again because he forgets;
"Daddy, I have cancer, and we're gonna beat it against the doctor's bets."

"You have what?" he'll ask as if it's all new;
"You have cancer!  Could that really be what's wrong with you?"
He starts to tear up; I hear it in his voice.
So I make him laugh again; I have no other choice.

Seeing my daddy cry is more painful than my news,
So I defer my personal grief cuz I have to choos;
To build up my daddy and his tears I must destroy
Just hearing him laugh again fills my heart with joy.

So he takes it in in doses really small;
I'm not sure if he understands his little girl is hurting at all;
But he loves me and holds me closely to his heart;
So each time we talk, at the beginning I must start.

"Daddy, I have cancer, but I won't leave you, dad.
"These are the best years of our lives for us that we have ever had.
"Daddy, it hurts so much to think you might not understand,
"So ifI get really sick, just come and hold my hand."

Written by April Stahl on Sunday, September 6, 2009

Third E-mail:

So Daddy God Understands it all!
So, there are times when our earthly fathers are gone by physical or spiritual passing and we can't have them hold us.  Jesus died and rose again as our Savior firstm, then our friend who sticks closer than a brother.  He loves us enough to wipe away our sin which is like a dreaded disease that can eat us alive if we don't ask Jesus to save us from it.  Whern He does, He becomes our brother, and God, the Father because our Daddy.  Peter calls him Abba Father, or Daddy.  I call him Daddy God many times when I pray and it makes me feel as though He is holding me when my earthly daddy can't.  So when I cry to Him,  "Daddy God, I have cancer!"  He olds me in His everlasting arms and says neat stuff like "Fear not, I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I Am your god. I wiull strengthenb you, I will help you, and I will hold you with my right hand."  And sitting there at His right hand is Jesus, my brother friend.  How can I lose?

Thanks for letting me share this with you.

Coming to you from the little pink netbook,

April Stahl
Coming to you from the little pink netbook,

April Stahl