lol. Phil, you and Sharon are so funny! lol! I love it! lol!

Actually, we have gone bike riding in the Hills on our loving Artic 
Cat Prowler. lol. Vernon doesn't own a Motor Cycle any more. lol.

Can you believe he lost a pin for the boat, as we were loading the 
boat, the last time we came in to the dock, and he wants to go out to 
the river again, with a huge magnet, so he can find it near the dock! 
lol. It's about 120 miles from here! lol.


Pat Ferguson

You guys are so funny! lol!

At 05:17 PM 9/3/2009, you wrote:
>    What's what I want to see is Vernon and Pat, riding on the back 
> of a Harley, motorcycling down the highway together.  How loving a 
> scene that would be with Pat's arms wrapped around Vernon's waist 
> for dear life as he puts down the hammer and rolls down the road at 
> 100 miles per hour.  That might blow Pat's wig right 
> off.  Vernon's, too, hahahah.
>Satan Has A GOD Complex
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Sharon Hooley" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 3:29 PM
>Subject: Re: I'm joining the CMA Church
>>The Letters CMA also stands for something like Christian 
>>MotorCyclists Association, so I thought maybe you and Vernon were 
>>MotorCyclists. :) Whatever it is, God bless you as you continue to 
>>seek His will in where to fellowship and hear the Word, and may He 
>>cause your testimony to bear much fruit!