Bob, the memory is new and the right ones for the 
board and I tried each one at a time.  They 
worked well enough initially to let the power 
supply turn and off using the power button (not 
the rear switch).  Now that the power supply 
turns on and off only with the power switch (on 
the PS) with the same configuration.  An aside 
question: Can the motherboard POST without 
memory?  I think not since most built in video 
hardware uses shared memory.  The processor has 
no discoloration and doesn't smell so that's a good sign.

Paul, I can't get the POST to start so never get 
to the BIOS Setup to check the memory 
voltage.  I'll check this when I can get to the BIOS setup.

The 30 day warranty has past so I'm on my own 
here.  I think that I'll try a cheap memory stick 
to do testing with so see if that will make a 
change and then if not, I'll splurge for another 
motherboard.   I really don't want to go too high 
end since the PC will be used primarily for home 
network shared data storage, printer sharing, and 
quick lookups while in the den area.  Both the 
wife and I have wireless laptops for our personal 
use.  Sometimes we need a quick printout or to 
store data for each other to use.  Also when 
guests are in the house and need to access the 
Internet or their email, it's convenient to have it available.

I'm not building a completely new system, but 
replacing the motherboard due to a mishap with 
some house painters (another long story).  I was 
replacing the processor as an adjunct to the 
upgrading of the PC.  I chose the EVGA both 
because of cost and it does have a legacy IDE 
connector so I can use my old hard drive 
initially. I'm aware of the got-ya's in using a 
drive from an old motherboard and the problems of 
changing motherboard drivers on initial startup 
so I don't have that concern initially.

I'll keep you up to date on my progress.  I've 
been building my own home computers since 1976 
(yes, pre-IBM PC) and love the tinkering and challenges.


At 8/24/2009 01:18 AM, Paul A. Shippert wrote:

>Bob's suggestions are all good, however; be sure 
>that your RAM is being provided with appropriate 
>voltage. I have assembled several computers, and 
>on two of them (with ASUS motherboards, by the 
>way), the default voltage for the system memory 
>was only 1.7 volts. When I looked up the specs 
>for the RAM I was using, I found that the 
>voltage range was between 1.9 and 2.2 volts. 
>Fortunately, I was able to adjust the RAM 
>voltage in the CMOS setup area. (I had been 
>getting BSODs intermittently for some time 
>before I stumbled across this problem.) Once the voltage was˝
>  reset to a level within the specified range, I 
> no longer received the BSODs. You might want to check this.
> >I'm replacing my motherboard and processor. I 
> have the Intel Pentium E2200 dual core
> >processor and a EVGA e-7050/610i Motherboard - Socket 775.
> >Now with nothing connected except memory, when 
> I turn on the power using the power
> >supply switch (not the power button) the fans 
> all turn on and the PC acts as if it is
> >powered up.  The power button now has no effect.
> >
> >I'm asking for for your guesses as to whether the the CPU is bad or the
> >motherboard?  I'll probably end up buying both 
> but I'd like to try one or the other
> >first.  The question is whether I should try a 
> new CPU or Motherboard first.

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