Robert Kesterson wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Jul 2009 12:41:34 -0500, Bill Wilcox <[log in to unmask]> 
> wrote:
>> The worse part of high fructose corn syrup is the fructose, not the 
>> glucose.
> Actually I think the worst thing about HFCS is that it is added to 
> almost everything these days.  It is amazing to me how hard it is to 
> find anything in the grocery store outside the produce and meat aisles 
> that don't have added sugar, HFCS, or some other form of sugar.

The US sugar industry lobbied congress to impose tariffs on imported 
sugar so US food manufactures converted to corn syrup many years back as 
a cheaper way to sweeten their products.  This is, in my opinion, part 
of the genesis of the obesity epidemic and has an impact on heart 
disease since fructose converts almost directly to trigs.

I'm a free market person and don't believe in protecting domestic 
industries since it mis-allocates capitol resulting in decreased 
economic activity, decreased jobs, and increased prices for US consumers.


Steve - [log in to unmask]

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