I just finished searching the archives for this mailing list for
anything having to do with the Yaesu VX-7R transceiver.  I've owned
this rig for practically two years now and still have yet to use it!
Strange as that may sound, I actually did use it for about a month on
two repeaters here in New York, but since then, one has gone PL and
the other off-air, so that put the kibosh on that!  I next tried some
public-domain programming software to load the thing up with some
local freqs and PL settings, but all that did was fix it so that
memory #1 held one channel from the group I was trying to program into
the radio, and I've forgotten the key sequence to restore the thing to
factory defaults!  I have the manual, but when it's displayed in
Acrobat, all the key-presses are graphics.  I'm seriously thinking of
printing the manual and scanning it, hoping that the scanner software
will read the key-press graphics as whatever they are--numbers in a
box, numbers in different type fonts or shadings, etc.  Before I go
killing a tree for the hundred-and-four pieces of paper it's going to
take to print this thing, has anybody any suggestions on how to
unstick this radio and/or a good link or reference to the manual in
plain-text?  I have a keyboard layout that I thought I got either from
Handi-Hams or icanworkthisthing.com, but no manual.

Thanks in advance.