> George Orwell wrote it already, there are Morlocks in it, and I forget the title. He wrote lots of good stuff.

The Time Machine. But, if I recall, the traveller went 100s of thousands of years into the future before encountering them.And, they were the result of the effects of many global wars.

Discover magazine recently had an article about how we may be affecting (speeding up?) our own evolution. The original idea is that adaptation takes place in response to environmental pressures. But, what if the species is modifying the environment while they are adapting to it? Many people who are alive today would have succumbed to harsher conditions in the past, but nowadays they are surviving or even thriving (and passing on their genes). The article had several examples of adaptations that may have already been accelerated.

Interesting stuff. I think the article can still be found at Discover Magazine's website (sorry, no URL handy).