On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 13:23:16 -0600, william <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Lynnet, please accept my apology for an intemperate response to your  
> post.
Thanks so much.  No hard feelings.  Each of us wants to help people with  
similar problems
to our own.  Your experience is perfectly valid, and valuable information  
for the group.

For me, the last time I went cold-turkey paleo low-carb, I had a terrible  
emotional upheaval and a month-long flare of my fibromyalgia.  This was  
the basis for my advice.  However, moving gradually onto it was a piece of  
cake,  oops,  make that pemmican, for me.  I thought this was especially  
striking in view of the fact that I've made a dozen attempts to get
onto low-carb paleo in the past few years, and hit the wall on every  
single one.  But I've
made it now.  No cravings, no depression, no flare.
