Mark:  how often do you do the soaks?

A friend was telling me about pads for the feet at night that draw toxins out. 

Do you find that you feel a little worse just after the soaks? I do take meds for my diabetes and for neuropathy when it flairs up. Pain meds make me nauseous. 


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-----Original Message-----
From:         theta <[log in to unmask]>

Date:         Fri, 6 Mar 2009 20:19:56 
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Arthritix and toxic symptoms   was: Re: It's the balance of fats.....

One protocol I've learned that has greatly helped me is to take sitz 
baths on a regular basis to remove toxins quickly and help with 
arthritic symptoms and other "toxic" reactions.  I have found the baths 
to be reliable, easy, relaxing and rewarding in a relatively short time. 
  I do this in addition to the diet and things move faster.  I place the 
following in a hot bath and keep the bath very hot for some 45 minutes 
while I sweat it out:  1/2 cup raw milk mixed with 1/2 cup raw cream 
stirred into the bath with 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and about 1/8 cup 
sea salt.  After soaking and leaving the bath, I wrap up in a large 
towel to keep warm while I cool down and continue to sweat.  On two 
prior occasions (separated by about 3 years) I had sudden symptoms of 
urticaria and both times the sitz bath removed the symptoms within an 
hour or so, never to return.  I believe that cooked foods contribute to 
toxins which cause arthritic problems and find that eating raw meats and 
other foods seems to halt toxic problems and slowly reverse them.  I'm 
guessing you already realize the pain meds are a double-edged sword, 
contributing to the toxic condition - so "good on ya" that you have the 
goal to get off of them.



Katie Meyer wrote:
> I'm sorry you're hurting tonight. I believe I'm going to find this support
> group invaluable. I've already received a lot of good info tonight, and it
> helps to see that even a seasoned Paleo person occasionally goofs. I'm
> looking forward to getting this right, and hopefully seeing my Arthritic
> pain diminish further. I'd love to eventually get off these pain meds.
> Take good care, feel better, and have a good week-end!
> Katie
> [snip]