That isn't very kind of that guy.  You would think he would just be glad that his tractor helped someone.  He must be a money grub.  Father in Heaven we ask that you touch this man's heart to not to be so greedy.  Help him to realize it is better to be paid in blessings for helping others and not monitary.  thank you Father.  In your precous name we pray.  Amen.


By the way Pat I seen the show and got it on dvd with you and Vern.  You guys look like what I pictured.  The only thing I was wrong about is that Vern is not as tall as I pictured. 

If you believe there is not God, than just die.  For without a God you can do this.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat Ferguson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 6:39:01 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Please pray!

Hi Everyone,

Do all of you remember the fun ride we took in the loving Prowler, on
January 31, 2009? That was the day we got stuck, and had to have the
kids, Dave and Scott pull us out! Well, it has ended up in a mess.

The guy who owned the tractor,, Ralph Broderson, whom Vernon knows
very well, and is not a popular person with the Ferguson family, has
sent us a bill for over $600.00. He claims that the tractor was used
without authorization from him, as him and his wife were out of town.
I guess his GrandDaughter authorized David Carol, to use the tractor,
but evedently David did not tell Ralph that. Dave got stuck before
Vernon and Scott got there, and some how, when Dave and Scott were
doing something, they broke a window in the tractor. This is not
Vernon's fault, but Ralph Broderson is charging Vernon for three very
expensive hours of using the tractor, without authorization, and over
$400.00 for the broken window, which Vernon had nothing to do with.

David signed the letter at the bottom, and wrote down $45.00 for his
labor charges. We told the kids we would pay them for helping us, but
we didn't expect such a rediculous bill, of over $600.00. We're going
to see our lawyer on Thursday.

Please pray that we don't have to pay for the window that got broke,
as that was not Vernon's fault, and Vernon had nothing to do with the
unauthorized use of the tractor, since Dave was in charge of that.

I'm really upset about this.

If they would have just let Vernon come back the next day with his
own tractor, this wouldn't have happened.

The only thing, is that we thought it was suppose to be nasty the
next day, but it wasn't.

Please pray that we don't have to pay this huge bill, as we don't
have the money.


Love and Blessings,
Pat Ferguson