On Wed, 3 Dec 2008 14:59 Day, Wally wrote:

>> But isn't this just the same as saying that palaeo eating should
>> be modified, compromised, weakened, made more comfortable
>> and generally neutered to suit 21st century lifestyle preferences?
>Hi guys. Thought I'd weigh in on this since it seemed so appropriate.
>One of the reasons I have not posted anything for quite awhile is 
>because of that damnable 21st century lifestyle (we'd really all 
>like to avoid). 


>I believe paeloman (and woman) would have been nothing if not flexible.

Lovely to hear from you again Wally. You are quite right about
paleoman/woman being flexible. Anthropologists, ethologists etc.
refer to this as being "opportunistic", and Homo sapiens is 
characterized by its relatively high opportunism. However, the 
choices confronting paleoman/woman would never have included 
the choices we face today, so they could never have chosen the 
refried beans because of their flexibility.

One thing they would have done, however, would have been
so skip a meal or two relatively frequently. However contemporary 
social customs bully us into eating when in a group, even if we 
don't want to do so: real 'lowest common denominator' stuff.
