Yes, I have enjoyed the free Zone alarm for many years; and even donated 
before there was a pro version.
It Lets me approve or deny every change to the registry,
and tells me when someone inside my machine wants to dial home.
so I can feel that I control some of my machine.
   The downside is that I must use sighted help to set up my 
preferences; but that may be because I am ignorant of Jaws navigating.
   If one can't find sighted help, they must truly be .....bad or sad? 
Will Herzog

Senk, Mark J. (CDC/NIOSH/NPPTL) wrote:
> I have not used it, but thought some might want to know about the free download.
> Let the list know if you love or hate it.
> Mark
> Mark J. Senk  |  412-386-6513  |  [log in to unmask] 

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