On Jul 31, 2008, at 10:27 pm, [log in to unmask] wrote:

> You can get more than sufficient amounts of both.  For instance,
> remember that due to our modern diets calcium is excreted at a much
> higher rate than is natural.  Therefore much less is needed from the
> diet if one is eating right.

Ah, ok.  I was under the impression that the Inuit practice of making  
bone broth was essential in the absence of vegetables.

> Oh, and why the 75% lean hamburger?  Turns out that the amount of that
> needed to meet ones daily caloric needs has exactly the right  
> proportion
> of calories from fat and protein.

Interesting, I didn't think quite that much was required.  I thought  
you could get away with 18% fat meat.  But 25% fat sounds much  
better!  I won't argue.

> I believe it to be the perfect food.
> Now if only Burgundy were *required* for perfect health.  I'll going  
> on
> pretending it is ;-)

I am equally intent on believing that chocolate is essential for human  
health :)
