<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to everyone who replied to my question on whether there is a link between sleep apnea and celiac.  I also checked with the University of Columbia who said there is no link.   However, a number of you wrote to say that you did have both celiac and sleep apnea and several found it resolved when they went GF.

I suffered from mild sleep apnea, and haven't had a problem with it since I was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue, and went on a strict GF diet.  I had a conversation with a chemist a few months back, and he suggested that there may be a link between the inflamation caused by the CD in the intestines, and inflamation in the sinus cavity. 

I have mild to moderate sleep apnea and am a Celiac.

Yes I have been diagnosed with sleep apnea

There is research that acknowledges breathing problems at night for those with celiac disease.  I myself had that problem my whole life until being diagnosed and going on the diet.  I sometimes woke up, seemingly believing that I stopped breathing.  I always thought that it was part of a dream or anxiety.  It stopped after going on the diet.

I do have sleep apnea, too. I have to use both a CPAP machine with humidity, and wear an oral appliance to advance the lower jaw. 

Yes, I have. My major problem was breathing difficulty. My doc had me tested while I slept and put me on Oxygen at night. I do have opsteoporosis as well. One of my symptoms was racing heart and skipped beats.

 my 2yr old son has 2 genes as well and was just in the hospital for sleep apnea issues.  we had his adenoids and tonsils out.  too soon to know if it made a difference.

I am celiac and I have a machine but it is because of my heart.  However I do not know if there is a connections or not. 

you've given me much to think about. my husband also has atrial fibs, his mother and cousin have celiac disease, as do his children.  I need to get him checked.

 I don't know if there is a connection, would like to know myself since I also have it.  Though I was diagnosed prior to celiac diagnosis.  Hope this helps. 

 Yes, I think so. Apnea, (former) acid reflux, fibromyalgia, bone loss, arthritis, diabetes, autoimmune things, and such, are probably all related. I have all but diabetes, but that runs in my family. Medical scientists haven't gotten around to doing studies on these things, but we who deal with them daily know they are connected.

Others didn't think there was a connection:

Sleep apnea can be due to many causes. It doesn't just have one cause. In my case, I also have a small chin that is back (retrognathic) but a large tongue, and my tongue flops back in my mouth during sleep and blocks air flow. I also have a hiatal hernia, which can increase GERD, which can contribute to apneas, as I recall.

I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), but how could these 2 conditions could be related? Connected with gluten? Can't imagine how? 

haven't seen any. however, there is a very strong link between  obesity and sleep apnea.   is he overweight?

Many many people, including my husband who is not Celiac, have sleep apnea.  I doubt it has any correlation to gluten or the Celiac genes.  I am the Celiac.  I think sleep apnea is more related to weight, structure of the nasal passages and perhaps diabetes.  RC 

One person reported being diagnosed with asthma sorted out sleep problems: 

Long story short---after testing it was determined that I have asthma---did affect my sleep, heart rates and general heath.  I can now exercise moderately without sudden bursts of tachycardia, dizziness, etc. and I use an inhaler daily to control it.  The asthma diagnosis has changed my life for the better in so many ways.   Wish I had known years ago but I didn't have the obvious symptoms of wheezing, etc.  I now sleep more restfully.  I was told by the asthma doctor that many people have asthma and sleep poorly beginning around 3 am each night.  Who knew and no doctor ever suggested this as a cause of the heart symptoms.

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