On Sat, 31 May 2008 07:37 Jim Swayze wrote:

>> massive population
>> reduction, which even in the most optimistic scenarios will take
>> far longer
>> to achieve than our lifetimes
>Ooh, I'm not a big fan of the word choices.  Ending the lives of
>millions of people would never be an "achievement."
Well, would a further increase in human population be an achievement?

I don't see in the quotation any implication of deliberate
killing. If you are referring to unnecessary or premature death,
then it's happening now, millions annually are having their
"lives ended", whether it by through diabetes, drugs, violence, 
military adventures, natural disasters etc. in western nations 
or through polluted water and natural disasters, malaria, wars 
etc in other countries. These are examples of how massive 
population reduction will come about.

This topic is one of critical - absolutely critical - importance
for the future of both the human species and the biosphere
as we know it. Therefore we need to consider options
rationally, without political correctness and without taboos.
