Paleogal wrote:
> They don't appear to be running on sidewalks or treadmills.  The ground is
> cushioned.....  ex.,"Fourteen Tarahumara are running with us, and to be 
> sure
> they're challenged, Caballo has mapped a brutal course. He has us fording
> rivers, climbing 2,000-foot hills, and scrambling up scree-covered trails"
> The scree is an uphill thing, not running on cement.   Sounds paleo to
> me....     Oliva

Why would anyone want to run on cement?  most of them have nature trails or
hiking/jogging trails and such to run on.

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My point is this, these runners are outside in fresh air, doing a circuit 
training. They're not running as we do.  There are numerous people out 
running on the street with the traffic and air pollutants or on a treadmill 
in the gym.  Most don't have nature trails on which to run, no rivers to 
cross, or hills/mountains to scramble up.   We'll agree to disagree. Oliva