Father in Heaven most importantly we pray that Mary come to salvation.  We ask that you take away all the cancer.  And for all you do we give you praise.  In Jesus precious name we pray Amen
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
ABC's of Salvation
Admit you are a sinner. Rom 3:23
Believe on Christ. Acts 16:31
Confess your faith. Rom 10:9-10
Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------
From: MariJean <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi family,
> It has been determined that Mary's Cancer has spread to her bones.
> She will begin radiation treatments to shrink the tumor in her
> stomach, so that she can swallow food with less choking.
> Please, all prayer warriors, pray for Mary, that her pain be
> lessened, or that the Cancer simply disappear from her bones.
> Also, please continue to pray for her Salvation.
> Thank you for what you will do.
> purple Mari