Thanks Loving squeeable Pat for the updates.  Remember God is holding your hand.  And he holds tomorrow.
Father in Heaven we ask that you give Pat your peace and calm.  And for doing this we thank you.  In Jesus precious name we pray Amen
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
ABC's of Salvation
Admit you are a sinner. Rom 3:23
Believe on Christ. Acts 16:31
Confess your faith. Rom 10:9-10
Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi Loving Ones,
> I am writing a short note, on this date, April 14th, to thank you
> all so very much for writing to me, and for praying, and to update
> you, as best as I can on some of the prayer requests I wrote about
> on Wednesday of last week.
> Dean Ferguson, Vernon's oldest brother got out of the hospital on
> Saturday. They haven't found anything wrong, yet, but they did
> discover that fortunately, his arterries are 100 percent clear, and
> not blocked. I guess he does have some aturial Fibrulation, though. I
> know I probably did not spell that right.
> I haven't heard anything from my cousin, Rick or his wife, but I will
> be calling them maybe tonight.
> ; Ed and Sharon Gill are doing good, and she did get to take 3 days off
> to be with Ed. I need to tell you, that it was pretty crappy what his
> family did to them. One of Sharon Gill's co-workers sent her an email
> of condolences, and Sharon didn't even know about the death of Ed's
> brother, and neither did Ed. This co-worker had seen it in the news
> paper, and of course, she did not know that Sharon and Ed were not
> aware of the death of Ed's brother. Ed's family never let Ed know
> about his own brother passing away. I thought that was pretty crappy.
> Sharon had to call him from work, and tell Ed. I know this wasn't
> easy for her to do. Please continue to pray for Ed and Sharon, as
> this was a hard blow, even though they new he had cancer.
> I didn't have my CatScan on Friday, because we had a blizzard on
> Thursday and Friday. I will have it tomorrow at ten AM. I don't want
> cancer, at all, but I do hope they find out what is wrong. Or, better
> yet, a complete healing from our Heavenly Father would be excellent.
> And, yes, I am depressed.
> Thank you all so very much for praying.
> Loving you all bunches,
> Pat Ferguson
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