Ruth Barton wrote:
> Hopefully it will not take any of us 2 years to make it back.
Twybil and I left Witold in Poland but the two of us are now both back 
in our home places.
Will report more fully on the extraordinary adventure when I have an 
opportunity to recover.

In Krakow Hotel Rubinstein in old Jewish quarter of Kazimierz was 5 star 
for 2 nights of our adventure -- it was retribution to my past 
indiscretion in comments on soap on BP (never again). Owner, architect, 
and conservator (15th c medieval elements retained in ambiance of 
luxury) were jailed for 100 days as the roof of the building was 20 cm 
in height over permit and judge wanted to make an example of them for 
what otherwise would have been a $400 fine. At end of day into night we 
had excellent time at table with owner and architect, publisher of the 
restoration publication that sponsored the conference, and other eminent 
conservators and quick friends. I asked the architect, who sat next to 
me, with Twybil on his other side, what the material was used for the 
roof. His gravely response to me, "I came here to drink." A large man, 
he very promptly fell asleep and leaned on my shoulder to a weight 
almost to force me out of my chair if I did not brace my legs to the 
floor with adhesion of cold vodka. I propped him up while our host on my 
other side animatedly discussed with me prospects to revive project to 
reconstruct annihilated 17th century wood and timber synagogue. Good fun 
was had by all in flood of Polish and spatters of English. It was 
certainly an exploration in the cultural intangibles of heritage 

Orgrease-Crankbait <> Video, 
audio, writings, words, spoken word, dialogs, graphic collage and the 
art of fiction in language and literature.

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