Praise the Lord thank you Jesus.  Father in Heaven please continue to strengthen Joes walk with you and gerd up the whole family.  Most of all thank you for his salvation.  In your precious name we pray Amen
I love my baby back ribs, baby back ribs.
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
ABC's of Salvation
Admit you are a sinner. Rom 3:23
Believe on Christ. Acts 16:31
Confess your faith. Rom 10:9-10
Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------
From: VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>

> My dear echurch family,
> First a praise report, Joe and his family have been going to church now for
> a couple of weeks and they are planning to attend tomorrow. Praise the
> Lord, thank you Jesus.
> My prayer request is that they will continue going to church and they will
> confess their sins to our Lord and Saviour.
> Thanks in advance for your prayers!
> Happy Easter to all,
> Virgie and Lady Hoshi