In what might prove to be the crowning achievement of 
> an illustrious Career in ministry, the 87-year-old 
> evangelist, 
> Billy Graham shocked The 16,300 in attendance at the 
> Celebration of Hope crusade in New Orleans Arena on 
> Sunday Night. Touted in advance as possibly his last 
> Evangelistic crusade, Graham invited the packed house 
> of evangelical Christians and the hundreds of new 
> converts to join him on the one Mile walk from the 
> arena to New Orleans' infamous Bourbon Street. 
> "While we have seen God do tremendous things here the 
> past couple of Evenings. Yes, it is true that a great 
> healing 
> and a great many salvations Have occurred within the 
> confines of this auditorium. Still yet, there lies A 
> great mountain in this city which needs to be 
> conquered." 
> Then taking from the Biblical Book of Joshua Chapter 
> 14 he read, "I am This day, eighty-five years old. As 
> yet I am as 
> strong this day as on the Day that Moses sent me; just 
> as my strength was then, so now is my Strength for 
> war, both for going out and for coming in. Now 
> therefore, Give me this mountain of which the Lord 
> spoke in that day," his voice Suddenly sounding more 
> forceful than during his 22 minute sermon. 
> "I last preached in the City of New Orleans in 1954 
> and I felt then that There was some unfinished 
> business. Tonight, 
> in what very well might Be my last evangelistic 
> service, I aim to finish that business and lead As 
> many of you that 
> would follow me to the multitude of lost souls that 
> Fill Bourbon Street tonight. That is my mountain ! 
> That is where 
> we shall see the harvest!" said Graham as the stadium 
> Erupted in cheers that lasted the next several 
> minutes. 
> Utilizing a waiting mobility scooter, the elder Graham 
> joined his son And heir to the ministry, Franklin 
> across 
> the Arena floor and through the Opened doors leading 
> towards the French Quarter. In a show of Solidarity 
> and 
> determination reminiscent of civil rights marches of 
> the 1960's, nearly the entire capacity crowd joined in 
> the 20 
> minute trek While singing, "When the Saints Go 
> Marching In". 
> As the march crossed Canal Street and headed northward 
> towards Bourbon Street, many onlookers stood in 
> stunned 
> silence as the massive Crowd Of people began singing 
> in unison the Christian hymn, Amazing Grace. Upon 
> entering the 
> west end of Bourbon Street, Billy Graham was soon 
> Recognized by partiers. 
> Soon those joining in the march began to approach 
> those partying on Bourbon Street with the Gospel 
> message that 
> they had heard preached Just a half hour before. 
> Graham himself joined with a group of local Street 
> evangelist in 
> ministering to a man who had survived Hurricane 
> Katrina in the lower 9th Ward. 
> Within 30 minutes the entirety of Bourbon Street was 
> packed with Christians and the once blaring music of 
> nightclubs 
> and strip joints Had been replaced by weeping and 
> worship as people poured out their Drinks and sought 
> prayer from 
> the Christians who were now reaching out To them. 
> "I have never seen anything like this in my life," 
> said 20 years New Orleans Police Department veteran, 
> Tom Phillips. 
> "This is unbelievable! We thought a riot was going to 
> break out, but this looks more like a Revival than a 
> riot!" 
> Two hours later, a glowing Graham sat back down on his 
> scooter and smiled. "Now I know how the Apostle Paul 
> must 
> have felt at the end of his ministry. Do the work of 
> an evangelist; make full proof of thy ministry. For I 
> am Now ready to be offered, and the time of my 
> departure is at hand. I have Fought a good fight, I 
> have 
> finished my course, I have kept the faith." 
> Hours later hundreds of Christians remained on the 
> street ministering to The many people eagerly waiting 
> to receive 
> prayer and ministry. New Orleans will never be the 
> same. And the press remained mute on This "news 
> item?" 
> Did anyone see it on TV/hear it on radio/read it in 
> the paper? Why are we not surprised? Can't have THAT 
> just prior 
> to a major Election, now, can we? Well, just on a 
> whim, spread the news, anyway. 
> It cost our elder brother, Billy Graham, more than any 
> of us know to make that effort. The least we can do 
> is publicize it. 