Thanks for finding that, Peter.  I just think we all need to have what the 
people in the Cochlear Implant group call "low expectations, high hopes" 
when evaluating things like these.  It's OK to have hope that something 
might work but realistic expectations keep us grounded.  As you point out, 
it's in trials, not yet a proven treatment.


From: "Peter Hunsberger" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:48 PM
Newsgroups:   bit.listserv.c-palsy
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: stemcells

> The original story is apparently about a kid who was supposedly
> treated by a doctor a Duke.  The doctor named in the story is in fact
> at Duke and there is one clinical trial that could have possibly
> covered the scenario described but no where on the Duke site could I
> find mention of treatment for CP.  There are however several clinical
> trails at Duke looking at using cord cell blood stem cells for the
> treatment of cancer including at least one for leukemia.
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Cleveland, Kyle E.
> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Kristina,
>>  Any such story would be suspect in my book.  In 2000, my wife, Laura, 
>> and I decided to have the cord blood saved from our son's birth.  She was 
>> dx'd with leukemia early in her pregnancy.  At the time, cord blood stem 
>> cells were purported to be the source of cures for all sorts of 
>> congenital and perinatal ailments.  Weve since discovered that this idea 
>> was based on a lot of voodoo science and was being marketed heavily by 
>> "cord blood banks".  Since her leukemia is genetically-driven, we were 
>> led to believe that saving the cord blood would be the perfect insurance 
>> policy to protect our kids against this disease.  This simply isn't true.
>>  There is no "cure" for CP.  Hyperbaric treatments, stem cell 
>> replacements and the like are pipe dreams and snake oil marketed to 
>> grieving and guilt-stricken parents.  As others on the list have noted 
>> (and all of these folks are "first-person" CP-ers, not parents), sh*t 
>> happens, as it were.  As a very wise man said a couple thousand years 
>> ago, "The rain falls on both good folks and bad."  As tragic as it may 
>> seem, having CP (or any other physical or mental challenge) can make your 
>> daughter, your family and yourself far stronger, much closer.  The silver 
>> linings are there.
>>  Kyle
> -- 
> Peter Hunsberger
> -----------------------
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