As consultant to an architect on a project at Gramercy Park North desire is to replace faux Tudor wood plank installed in 1900's w/ new wood. I was asked to confer on IPE (a Brazilian ironwood? we were recently talking about ironwood on BP) vs. cedar. I am not familiar with IPE but see that it is used quite a bit in hi-end deck jobs... very hard wood, difficult to work, durable, requires carbide cutting blades and carbide drill bits to pre-drill for fasteners. I suggested cedar, at first Spanish Cedar as several woodworker friends have been gassing on about it for a while now... but it seems not only used for cigar humidors but for rebuilding of window sash, shutters, door elements etc. and not so much as plank. So I called Mr. Rude (who was preparing himself in NoLA to go eat crawfish) and he said he knew nothing about IPE (not an American tree) and suggested Port Orford Cedar as his preference for external work.

So, I have recommended to the architect that they spec Port Orford Cedar.

My reasons are as follows:

1. the external restoration contractors that need to bid the project ASAP have little carpentry expertise (this is not a complicated carpentry project) and it is unlikely that they would get any in the near future, they will not see a need for it, wood is wood
2. any potential subcontractors who would have experience w/ the IPE would likely be hi-end deckers who DO NOT tend to work in the city, or at height (off pipe scaffold) and though I did not mention it there may be insurance issues as well
3. deck contractors tend to be most comfortable with a few tens of feet of the ground but not a hundred
4. the restoration contractors tend to move in well defined parameters, to introduce a difficult wood will get them bitching real early in the project
5. pre-drilled for fasteners -- I can just see a mason mechanic going at screws with a hammer. The IPE is heavier than the POC and I imagine 20 years frm now issues as to how well the heavy wood was fastened to the facade.
6. I suspect the Port Orford Cedar will take a dark brown stain better than the IPE

Comments and input highly appreciated. I have already made the recommendation and sent on specifications so any response is primarily for our mutual education.

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