Professionals at a good pain clinic do a lot of different things.  P.T.s and O.T.s can help you with more orthopedically correct ways of doing things so that you are less likely to inadvertently contribute to your pain.

The physicians will often work on medication issues -- many people who go to pain clinics with chronic pain are taking lots of medications that are no longer effective.  Through charting it is possible to get a better idea of pain patterns, which medications (if any) are effective and how to treat with medication.

Psychologists and counselors often work with people at pain clinics on pain management techniques -- mindfulness meditation, pacing, refocusing, etc.

Then there are often groups with other people who have pain.  It can be really helpful to hear their ideas of how they cope.

Most of the people I know who have gone to pain clinics (I am a psychologist) had severe, chronic back and/or neck pain or migraines.  

Hope that helps,


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
> my new doc has suggested a pain clinic for me to
> handle the pain from the permanent tendinitis in my
> hands and arms. you know the arms and hands that could
> not possibly be injured because i have cp. 
> what does a pain clinic do? 
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