Mari,  You should only discontinue use of medication under the supervision of a doctor.  When the Lord heals us the doctor will see this cut back the medication in the right purportion so that there will not be adverse reactions that can be very dangereous.
Father in Heaven we thank you for healing and thank you for watching over Mari and keep her safe.  In your precious name we pray Amen
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
ABC's of Salvation
Admit you are a sinner. Rom 3:23
Believe on Christ. Acts 16:31
Confess your faith. Rom 10:9-10
Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------
From: MariJean <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi e-church family. It's not often that I write in seriousness to
> you, and suddenly, I feel humbled and about to cry.
> As all of you know, I had a tooth extraction last Tuesday at
> two-fifteen in the afternoon. However, I was taking Vikadin, I would
> say, taking into account this last week, I have been using it for
> about three weeks or more. It was not recreational use.
> Yesterday, due to the lack of pain and discomfort, I suspended it's
> usage, because it is PRN in the first place. All is well and good
> where that is concerned, however, let us throw something new into the scenario.
> I have been withdrawing from Tegretol, since THE TRUE LORD JESUS THE
> CHRIST healed me of whatever neuro logical disfunction. This happened
> during a prayer session with Phil.
> Now, here is the rub. At this moment, I am suffering racing thoughts,
> tactile and auditory halusinations, a general feeling of being on
> the edge of Mania. For those who do not know, I have both Bipolar and
> Asperger's syndrome. The two conditions not only closely mimic each
> other, but, in a person such as myself, they react against one another.
> I ask you, my family, to stand in prayer with me until I can see my
> psychiatrist on the seventh of March to discuss all that is going on.
> I know that JESUS is THE GRATE PHYSICIAN, and that, with your prayers
> and HE at my side, I will be all right.
> I have felt so strange today that I took two MGS. of Clonazipam, just
> to settle my racing thoughts, and the result for some reason is a
> splitting headache.
> I am going to rest and talk to sis Reeves some, but, I will continue
> to be the joker you know and, most probably tollerate.
> Thank you for reading all of this. I am counting on prayer and its' power.
> MariJean Mizrahi