What's a happy light?  I agree with you about the meds there are to many of them out there and doctors don't want to do the intense therapy anymore they just want to hand out those little magic pills.
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: MariJean <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi there purple squeezie,
> I take this very seriously. Thank you for suggestion. I hope to be
> able to get to a Home Depot soon and look for a Happy Light. Even
> the name Happy Light makes me smile. Perhaps, if I use it, I can get
> off some of these dag-nag medsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsds!!
> purple Mari
> At 07:07 PM 1/16/2008, you wrote:
> >Dear Mari, Carol, Terri, and Everyone,
> >
> >I'm sending you all a whole bunch of lovings and squeezings to cheer
> >you up. I really know what you are going through.
> >
> >I'm praying for all of you who are suffering from Depres sion, no
> >matter what the cause is. I'm praying and loving you all.
> >
> >Please read what I'm about to say. This is very important.
> >
> >I'm about to say this, and I'm saying this with all the love I have
> >in my heart for all of you. I don't want to see any of you
> >depressed, because I love all of you so very much, and I've been
> >there, and it's not fun, in fact I hated it, and I hate to see
> >anyone depressed. I just want to shower you all with God's love, and
> >to give you all a bunch of lovings and squeezings.
> >
> >Now, whether you are Bipolar or not, please read this, as I'm
> >sending this message to you all with all my love.
> >
> >I'm going to tell you all something that is very important for all of us.
> >
> >SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder is very common for those of us who do
> >no t get enough day light during the day.
> >
> >We do not get enough day light during the day. This is a known fact,
> >and there are even sighted people who suffer from depression,
> >however I don't think they suffer from depression, to the extent that we do.
> >
> >Okay, please, get someone to help you get to a building center, such
> >as Menards, or Home depot, or some place like that.
> >
> >Tell them you are looking for a "Happy" light. This is not a joke.
> >There is really such a thing.
> >
> >We all need mega amounts of day-light.
> >
> >The "Happy" lights are not very expensive, I believe they are less
> >that $20.00.
> >
> >Another option, is to purchase a "Happy" light bulb. These are
> >around $7.00 or so.
> >
> >I'm currently using a "grow" light that they use to help plant s
> >grow. I did not know that the "Happy" lights were this cheap. So,
> >Vernon bought me a "grow" light for right now. It is working.
> > I even sleep better.
> >
> >Vernon knows the importance of this, and he is willing to do
> >whatever it takes to keep me happy and sleeping good.
> >
> >Vernon went to Menards last week and got me a "Happy" light bulb.
> >We're going to use this "grow" light first, until it burns out, and
> >then we'll use the "Happy" Light bulb.
> >
> >I know that Sandy can vouch for what I'm about to say.
> >
> >The light that we miss out on, is so very important, because it
> >helps our bodies absorb the vitamin D that we get.
> >
> >That's another thing, go get your vitamin D level tested, please.
> >This is also very important.
> >
> >Vernon and I are b oth low in Vitamin D. We're taking 1000 I.U. of
> >Vitamin D. each day along with a A-To-Z for Seniors, Vitamin which
> >also has Vitamin D in it. It's made a world of difference for both of us.
> >
> >I rarely get depressed any more, but remember, it's natural to be
> >sad when something happends to make you sad. I even get sad when
> >someone else is sad, but my P.A. Jill, said she doesn't want to take
> >that sensitivity away from me. I'm on vitamins, and a very low dose of Zoloft.
> >
> >Please, do not let someone talk you into purchasing a "SAD" light.
> >They are way too expensive, and you don't need to throw your money
> >away on such an item that isn't necessary, when something so very
> >much cheaper will work for you.
> >
> >Just my thoughts and idea's.
> >
> >I'm praying for all of you.
> >
> > Loving you all,
> >Pat Ferguson
> >
> >
> >
> >At 03:50 PM 1/16/2008, you wrote:
> >>I have been trying to find every excuse in the book not to confess
> >>this to the group.
> >>
> >>What is THIS? I am very depressed. I know in my heart of hearts
> >>that it will pass, however, I am eating too much, smoking more than
> >>I was, spending money on discs and not even playing them ... I have
> >>been talking to sis Reeves, and giving her no space. I am
> >>restless, and sad. I feel empty and without direction. I feel so
> >>alone and forgotten! Please help me with your prayers. I could
> >>really use them now!!
> >>
> >>There is one spot of light on the horizon. I do not feel like
> >>taking my own life. I listen to Christian radio 24-7.
> >>
> >& gt;Just pray for me, that, if there is some kind of lesson at the end
> >>of this road, that OUR PRECIOUS LORD help me to find it. Thank you.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Mari