<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On Fri, 2008-01-11 at 09:18 -0800, - Marlene M. Maheu, Ph.D. wrote:

> This is the first time I ask a question, although I've been on this 
> fabulous list for a couple months.
> I had the blood work a few months ago and came up negative.
> But I continued with the gluten-free diet and have noticed 
> significant improvements in my digestion.
> I am not experiencing the nightly 4-5 inch stomach bloat, less 
> gassiness, less abdominal pain.
> How can that remarkable improvement be explained in light of my 
> negative blood work?

I think it's still fair to say that the diagnostic tests for CD should
be regarded with some wariness. False negatives are common. My situation
here in the UK was very similar to yours. Fortunately my doctor was one
who was well up on CD. He diagnosed the spots and the rashes I was
getting as dermatitis herpetiformis - the form of CD I get - before any
tests and put me on a GF diet. Within two or three months my skin had
totally cleared up. Only then did we have a blood test done - it came
back negative. He shrugged and said, 'With a normal diet you get the
spots and the rash; on a GF diet it all goes away. You have CD despite
the tests.' 

Maybe that's some re-assurance.

jeff grant

London UK
Les Rorgues France

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