I have just discovered a new quirk on my WinXP (SP-2) taskbar.  In the past, if you had multiple documents or apps open, you'd see a small button for each app or document on the taskbar, side by side, where you could easily click the button to bring that doc or app to the front.  Now, the multiple icons or buttons have been replaced by a single button, with a small up or down arrow scroll "wheel" to the right of that.  Unless the active windows are arranged on the desktop so that you can see each of them, you have to use the scroll arrows to get to the doc or app you want.  Often, there aren't enough characters displayed on the current "button" to recognize which document you're trying to activate.

Have any other of you seen this phenomenon?  I find it extremely annoying, because as one of my volunteer duties, I need to copy and paste parts of several source documents into a single target document.  The way the target is laid out requires you to go back and forth among the various source documents without closing any of them.

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