Pending matters:
Release of Chief Ebrima Manneh without prejudice.
Release of Kanyibaa Kanyi without prejudice.
Dropping all charges and release of Fatou Jaw Manneh without  prejudice.
Prosecuting Deyda Hydara's murder.
Prosecuting Koro Ceesay's murder.
Prosecuting Lawyer Ousman Sillah's attempted murder and maiming.
It is a beautiful day here in the US. I trust it is even more  beautiful in 
Gambia as you prepare to forgive those who have trespassed  against you in 
honour iof Eidul Adha.
I take this opportunity to wish you and the people of Gambia Eid Mubarak.  
May Allah continue to guide you in execution of your duties as President. I will 
 be remiss if I do not congratulate you on the birth of your son recently. I 
wish  the first lady well and prayers are due you. You will enjoy your new 
bundle of  joy. He is Allah's blessing to you and your family and many thanks are 
due  him for the honour. May Allah fill your heart with joy and consideration 
as he  has moved the Saudi King to reconsider punishment for muslim women in  
My son is having a rough time adjusting to this daylight saving time  because 
he tells me we the people stole an hour of playtime from him.  Kids.  Haroun 
Bin Haroun is the funniest human ever born and he shows signs  of immense 
mental endowment. Don't expose your son to Churaye or other incense  because an 
inordinate concentration of it in the air he breathes can injure  his delicate 
respiratory organs or leave him vulnerable to asthmatic  conditions later.
I want to commend your government for renewed vigour in providing services  
and for renewed zeal in administering the affairs of the nation. High  
commendation goes to your new Secretary of state for works and infrastructure,  Hon. 
Lamin Bojang. He has set the tone for harnessing value for Gambia and I am  
particularly pleased with his recent focus on the River. We must all give him  
our support and encouragement. I understand he has challenged Gambians to assist 
 in the rebirth of River Transport and I just might take him up on the offer. 
I  would however like to share this advice with you and the Hon. Bojang. I 
hope you  take it into advisement:
Like you, I think the River is the single most significant asset to Gambia.  
The river defines our nationhood and without it, there would not have been a  
Gambia. Its sustainable development should therefore be the priority of state 
as  the hon. Bojang has expressed. I would like, in support of you and Bojang, 
to  set up a Department of Transportation with its Secretary of state. This 
will  bring further focus to the values of the River and indeed all land, sea, 
and air  transport for Gambia. The department for works and infrastructure 
risks being  overwhelmingly burdened with transportation and the new values Hon. 
Bojang  foresees in the River. Perhaps once formed, you could allow Hon. 
Bojang to head  that transportation department, and promote one of his able  
under-secretaries to Secretary for Works and infrastructure. The two departments  
will then work hand in hand to realize your vision of a vibrant economy. I think 
 Hon. Bojang's hard work and industry is likely to rub off on the remainder 
of  your administration, and that can only be good for you and the nation. In 
this  permutation, the department of transport will be responsible for 
standards and  policies related to transport, research into modes of transport and 
their  alternatives, tarrifs, licenses, permits, and development policy. The  
infrastructure department will be responsible for construction, repair, and  
maintenance of transport and other non-transport infrastructure. That task, when  
properly executed, is enormous and complementary to all departments of state. 
I  would like you to consider offering Hydrology, Hydraulics, and 
Transportation at  the University of Gambia to support the departments of 
Hydrometeorology, works  & infrastructure, and Transportation respectively.
I want to commend the Jammeh foundation for their philanthropic work  
throughout the year and Mr. Jammeh deserves high commendation. One thing that  always 
bothers me is that even though the foundation is doing good work and your  
heart was in the right place to have set it up, it has always been  
unconstitutional. Its good work therefore is burdened with unlawful  coorporation. I have 
been thinking of ways you could make it legal without  interrupting the good 
work it is doing but at every invention  I stumble on ethical considerations 
that suggest the following:
1. You may gift the foundation to your wife and Mr. Jammeh and remove your  
name from it. In effect, it will be reconstituted in-situ. Then allow Mr. 
Jammeh  to operate it with his team as non-profit charitable foundation as was its 
aim  to join the family of NGOs in the Gambia. I think that will be 
magnanimous of  you. You may donate to it from your earnings anytime you desire and the  
public will be free (without coercion) to support its good works.
2. Or you could disband it totally and merge it into your family farm in  
Kanilai. The work that the foundation is currently doing is basically  
subsidising what your administrative departments ought to be doing. You may  supplement 
your departments' efforts by donating to specific projects aimed at  assisting 
the sick, the indigent, and the dis-eased.
The reason I advise due-diligence in this matter is that I so admire the  
work the foundation is doing and I was considering partnerships between the  
Foundation and The Global Democracy Project, but my conscience cannot allow such  
partnership with the current structure of the foundation. Should you desire 
the  1st advice, I will be free and encouraged to begin partnership with Mr. 
Jammeh  and his foundation. Should you desire the second advice, I promise that 
The  Global Democracy Project will replace the work the foundation is currently 
 engaged in and more.
We will be seeking to constitute legally in Gambia very shortly and I wish  
to encourage you to afford our officers a cordial and conducive operating  
environment to yield a good turn for democratic life in Gambia. We will send our  
Resident Director for Gambia to present our incorporation papers to your good  
offices as a gesture of goodwill and partnership toward the common goal of  
Gambia's development. Please allow him/her all necessary facilities that are  
allowed all Non-governmental organisations. I shall telephone you and send you  
official introduction and greetings at the appropriate time. Here, I  merely 
present the vision in conjunction with my two advices to you for the  Jammeh 
Foundation. May Allah continue to bless you and Gambia.
Haruna Darbo.

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