I have an older Gateway 700X computer with an Intel (Lexington 2) Pentium 4 - 2.4-GHz / 533-MHz mother board. It has 4 256MB RIMM 800 PC memory cards. It has been giving me a number of errors and when I ran Microsoft's memory test the memory failed. I tried re-seating all the cards and then tried removing 2 of the 4 cards but the machine would not boot. I think I need all 4 cards in place to boot up so I'm having problems finding which card is the faulty one by going through a process of elimination. A new card cost $140.00 which is pretty ridiculous for old slow memory but I would like to salvage the machine. I'm told that there is a C-RIMM spacer which can be used to replace a card and still have the machine boot up normally but I can't seem to find a source of supply for one. Any suggestions on a way around my problem, a way to identify which card is bad, or a reasonable source of supply for 256MB RIMM memory?

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