I've been eating raw pork(on a 99% raw) palaeolithic diet for years and never had any problems with parasites/bacterial poisoning or any of the other scares out there - and there are many other rawpalaeodieters who've had much the same experience as me.
That said, here in the UK due to viciously cretinous laws(no doubt created by the EU bureaucracy), pigs are pretty much   forbidden from being wholly pastured, and are fed almost wholly  on a couple of  types of grain, despite the fact that pigs are supposed to be completely omnivorous in the wild. I, therefore, view (British) pork as an inferior meat compared to other kinds, and prefer other kinds of meat such as venison, shellfish, grassfed beef etc.
Geoff> ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 12:22:38 -0500> From: Jamie Dolan <[log in to unmask]>> Subject: Pork Safety / Cooking> > HI,> > I've make a few comments on the Paleo lists here and there. I have> been slowly moving towards a Paleo lifestyle for myself and my family.> I have been doing pretty well with keeping grains out of our diet.> Too many nuts, too much dairy and too much honey have been my big> downfalls. But I am working on it.> > I know some of you eat raw or lightly cooked foods.> > My family & I often eat beef cooked in the rare to medium, and I worry> little about the beef causing problems. All our meat is from local> farms, most is pastured. I recently started eating more pork. Last> week I got a pig that was raised on all certified organic feed, but it> was not a pastured pig, (althought the barn it lived in looked fairly> nice). I also have a pastured pig comming at the end of this month.> > 2 Nights ago, I grilled a number of Pork Steaks, but only cooked them> to about medium, perhaps medium-rare. After eating these tastey> steak, I wondered if this was foolish, and I should be making sure to> fully cook my pork?> > Would you eat organic and / or pastured pork raw or rare? Do you> worry about trich or other parasites causing you problems?> > Thank You,> > Jamie> > ------------------------------> > End of PALEOFOOD Digest - 7 Oct 2007 to 8 Oct 2007 (#2007-280)> **************************************************************
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