Jersey and gurnsey milk can be found, if you want it.

A lot of us here are far from perfectly paleo. I would be more but am under
a money pinch right now, so eating more rice and potatoes than I used to.

Paleo-wise, milk of any sort for adults is basically out. I am sure that
true paleos got the very rare bit of milk from stomach contents or from
eating udders, but it could not have been a regular thing.

On 10/6/07, Brenda Young <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> OK, gotcha!!!  Thanks for clearing that up!!!
> As for the appropriateness for this list...I can't address that.  I am not
> Paleo, I just like listening and learning from all of you guys.  I am fairly
> close to Paleo, but even though I'm not in the full sense of the word, there
> is much to be learned here.  From my less-then-knowledgeable standpoint, I
> thought this was an interesting discussion, whether it "belonged" here or
> not.