Dear David and list members,


Ballew wrote "Eating organ meats before the test could mess it up. Or,
living on nothing but broccoli for several months, maybe? Any other ways to
mess up the tests that we've found over the years, folks?"


As I recall (it has been awhile), Euthyroid Sick Syndrome can raise TSH in
the body, while thyroid hormone levels remain 'normal.'  do an online
search, emedicine has one sourced article.  Retesting, of full thyroid panel
including Free T4, Free T3, Total T4 and 3, and TSH at that time too, could
help sort that out.  ultimately of course, Symptoms.  


Pituitaries can go haywire for a bit, then get back on track, I think.
Rerunning tests a couple times might not be a bad idea, if no apparent
symptoms yet.  And hashimoto's and graves antibodies might be helpful too.


Just some thoughts I had~






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