----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kristina Carlton"
I am still dealing with a host of health problems. After 3 1/2 months of a
daily headache, backache, and calf pain

I have white spots on my shins which I have
been told is a fungus as well.  When last tested I still had candida

*All of your symptoms sound like a fungal problem, although a friend of mine 
would get white blotches on her legs when she was retaining copious amounts 
of water with hormone imbalance.

I considered fasting
but read that if deprived
of food, candida just burries deeper into the body?!

*I have never heard of this one and it doesn't make sense to me.  I should 
think the yeasty beasties would die.  I have heard that yeast die-off can 
feel just as nasty as the candida.  Were this me, I would eat meat and fat 
for three days and see how I feel.  If this felt right with my body I would 
continue meat and fat for two weeks and then start adding steamed green 
vegetables.  Are your veggies organic?  Pesticides are a horror with 
candida.  Since the fish is iffy at this point, I would find a good fish 
oil.  (EPA/DHA) Great for inflammatory reactions.

With so many intolerances and candida on top of it, you have nothing to lose 
by trying the meat and fat. I do believe it can only help you.  Oliva