The whole problem with New Orleans is the over-development of the area, causing 
less marsh land to be available to absorb storm surges.

Before some of the city's defenders get carried away, you should examine the 
Times-Picayune's series of articles outlining the city's vulnerability to future 
storms which was published three years before Catrina.

I saved them, but it is much too long for this list.

Steve, K8SP
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Clark" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 10:35 PM
Subject: OT New Orleans

    You probably know the history, how did it come about that levees were
built in the first place?  It seems it had to have been a huge project.  Was
the purpose to hold back water and claim land that was normally under water?

*---*  *---*  *---*  *---*  *---*
Stack Overflow: Too many pancakes...
Robert & Dreamer Doll  ke7nwn
Newport, Oregon
N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup
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