Imran writes (clipped)

<<<< I tried to switch it on but I did not getany response. SMPS fan is also not working, no momentin CPU fan, no beep, no display >>>>>

<<<< Then I tried the same smps in other PC and found it isworking perfectly >>

this could have happened ONLY IF either your power supply (smps= switch mode power known in this part of the world) fan bearing had momentarily jammed when you first tried after 6/8 months  ...and somehow got released when you tried the same smps on another machine...  OR the power supply output near the first computer is not feeding power.  this of course assumes that both machines are in different locations with different power sources from the wall.

so....(1) check whether power is available at the first machine wall outlet

      (2) if available try out the smps now (hopefully bearing jam released)

HTH--- Venkat

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