
We have worked on the aftermath of 2 films that actually damaged historic buildings, and yes, the film company finishers are very good. In the first case fake bullet pops inadvertently popped the limestone on an historic church. Oops. Nice patching work, though.

The second one was more interesting. An historic 4-story terra cotta building with a 1960's ugly 1st floor glass/aluminum storefront was intentionally destroyed by crashing 3 humvees through it. In return for the privilege of trashing the trashy part of the building, the film company restored the rest of it.

Mike E

> Most impressive [WINDOWS-1252?]site… The extent of the faux finishes in the "dirty" New York section was astounding. These finishes were not applied with a camera in mind. The quality was way too good. I had to get within a foot to clearly identify sponge finishing. Even the fake rust was almost impossible to identify as applied from six inches away. It was that good. If we could get these guys working for us in preservation we would never have to worry about blending old and new work again. Very impressive.

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