Now, wait a minute.  Think back when you were 21.  How good would you be at 
Jonas Salk
Fibber McGee
Calvin Coolidge
Harry Truman
Anthony Eden
Harold Stassen
I mean, not to hold a brief for the airhead generation (don't they get 
motivated about anything except Ipods?) but I am not sure we are not laughing into 
our hats.    ---Christopher
In a message dated 5/1/2007 10:30:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
[log in to unmask] writes:

Photo 1: Nelson Mandela
Results: 2 Nelson Mandela, 1 Muhammad Ali, 1 Colin Powell, 1 Barak Obama, 11 
Did not know. 

Photo 2: Carroll O'Connor as Archie Bunker
Results: 4 Archie, 12 Did not know

Photo 3: George H. W. Bush
Results: 9 George H.W. Bush, 1 Bob Dole, 1 Richard Nixon, 5 Did Not Know

Photo 4: Redd Foxx as Fred Sanford
Results: 1 Redd Foxx, 1 Samson, 1 Regis, 13 Did Not Know

Photo 5: Jimmy Carter
Results: 6 Jimmy Carter, 10 Did Not Know
Photo 6: Margaret Thatcher
Results: 1 Margaret Thatcher, 1 Nancy Reagan, 1 Sandra Day O'Connor, 13 Did 
Not Know
Photo 7: Winston Churchill
Results: 3 Winston Churchill, 2 Alfred Hitchcock, 1 Marlon Brando as the 
Godfather, 10 Did Not Know
Photo 8: Prince Charles
Results: 5 Prince Charles, 2 Ronald Reagan, 1 King Charles, 1 King of Wales, 
1 Prince Williams, 6 Did Not Know 
Photo 9:  George Wallace
Results: 1 Richard Nixon, 1 John Gotti, 14 Did Not Know

Photo 10: Ghandi
Results: 10 Ghandi, 1 Muhammad, 5 Did Not Know 

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