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Okay, I haven't done this myself yet, but I had an idea for my son's school lunches that I 
thought I'd pass along. Last night I made GF crepes for dinner and dessert--we're a small 
family and always  have plenty of batter to do both. Still, I had three crepes left over for 
dessert tonight. But I wonder how a crepe with a couple of slices of thinly-cut ham or 
turkey and cheese would do for a roll-up? I make roll-ups with just the meat and cheese 
often for my son's lunches when I don't have any bread on hand. Having a pile of crepes in 
the freezer might come in handy and be much more tasty than the GF versions of a flour 
tortilla I've come across! You could even add stuff to the batter to flavor it even more: 
cinamon for a ham sandwich, a pinch of tarragon for a turkey wrap.....

Anyway, just wanted to pass along an idea worth checking out....


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