All right April praise the Lord.
Christ is the reason for the season. If there was not Christ. There would be no Christ-mas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!
Karen Carter
Class of '74
-------------- Original message --------------
From: April Stahl <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi all,
> God is so good. Tonight Don Drennan came to my house promoting the Columbus
> Dispatch. At first I was going to say "No, I don't want what you're selling."
> That still small voice said, "Wait! Listen!" I listened. I said, "I think
> that's good, but my husband will probably say no. Please let me go and ask
> him." Had he said "No," I would have left it alone. However, he said "Yes" not
> knowing of my encounter with the Holy Spirit of God.
> "Come in," I said. "You needn't stand out there to doo the paper work." Don
> began telling me his story of a life of alcoholism and of traveling across the
> state to sell newspapers. While in Wooster, Ohio, and while selling his wares,
> Mr. Drennan had a heart attack. He barely made it to his car and noticed
> Wooster General Hospital was to the left. He turned the car in. They rushed
> him to a side room. The doctor said, "You have three options: 1. I can life
> flight you to Cleveland and you will probably die en route. 2. You can say
> your pryaers now because you'll die anyway. 3. Let me take care of you because
> I'm the best at what I do." Obviously, we want the best for ourselves, so Don
> put his trust in that one man during that one moment to save his lif4e.
> "Don," I said, "There is something I must share with you. You trusted that one
> man for that one moment, and another greater than he wants you. Jesus Christ
> wants you to trust Him in this one moment for your very life. Eternity is a
> very long time to spend without our God. Just think! The opportunity is here
> for you right now. The doctor fixed your broken heart and Jesus wan ts to heal
> your broken heart and He wants you!" Don said, "You know, you've said something
> I've not heard before." I said, "I would like you to read John Chapter 3 when
> you rest tonight. If you have a Bible, please read it. I'm reading your
> newspaper, now you can read mine."
> I gave Don my e-mail address, and it's the best unnecessary $20 I ever spent.
> Please pray for Don Drennan. Actually, the papers I get will have coupons in
> them that our kids can use, too, so a little bit of "savings" wcould be in the
> works for all of us. Please pray for Don.
> Skype Name: april_r
> MSN: No e-mail please: [log in to unmask]
> AIM: No e-mail please: [log in to unmask]
> Yahoo Messenger No e-mail please: [log in to unmask]
> "God is still on the throne!"
> April and Miss Flurrie