I always figured he died on Thursday.  Thursday night Friday night and Saturday night and rose on Sunday. 
Christ is the reason for the season. If there was not Chirst. There would be no Christ-mas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!
Karen Carter
Class of '74
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>

> I have often wondered why the historic church ever came up with the idea
> Jesus was crucified on Friday and raised on Sunday.
> Didn't Jesus say that as Jonah was three days and nights in the earth, (my
> paraphrase) so the son of man should be three days hand nights.
> I can't find the exact scripture. But if that were so, Jesus would have to
> had to have died Wednesday or Thursday. This is not really important, but
> it is interesting to see where the traditional church got that from.
> Vinny