<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


I had a good laugh yesterday when I heard on TV that cats and dogs all over 
North America get sick and dying, because “gluten” was mixed in pet food. 
Well; we all know that mammals and gluten shouldn’t be mixed, because our 
digesting system is not able digest gluten. Sciences are trying figure out 
prevalence of people affected by gluten. All those estimates are not 
accurate, because there is not reliable test to support those estimates. 
Long time ego I read result of testing made some pathologist who claimed 
that every person has damaged villi in certain extends. When only gluten 
damages villi; you do not need racket science to figure out what is going 
My point is that haw much attention created death of couple dozens pets, but 
nobody cares about so many people unnecessary suffering, because of 
negligence of medical professionals.
Toronto, Canada

Have Some Fun Out Of The Sun This March Break 

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