Hi everyone, 

I'm new to this list and hoping to get some advice. My mum's blood test showed very low levels of 
TSH - 0.057 and normal T3 - 5.54 (lab range 2.5-6) and T4 - 14 (lab range 8-22). 

She saw an endocrinologist a few days ago who said these results are not too abnormal but 
suggested a thyroid test in 2 weeks. I am very concerned however because mum has all the 
symptoms of hyperthyrodism - intolerance to heat, suddent hot flashes (she is 70 yrs old so not 
penapausal), insomnia, anxioty attacks, weight gain... When she did the above blood test she was 
taking neomercazol because she'd been previously (6 yrs ago) diagnosed with mild hyperthyrodism. 
Is it likely that this medication would have had an affect on the blood test? Maybe if she hadn't taken 
the medication, the test would show abnormal T3 or T4 levels? 

Mum had the left lobe of her thyroid gland removed 18 years ago - there was a large node which was 
not malignant. Her remaining gland then gradually became hyperactive but aside from taking 
Neomercasol, she hadn't been monitored by a specialist. However, now she feels quite ill, can't sleep, 
gets these hot flashes especially at night, feels very very tired, has become very irritable and unwell. I 
would really appreciate any advice about what she should do. 
Many thanks

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