In a message dated 2/13/2007 12:18:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
[log in to unmask] writes:
I'd bet the farm that calories do play a role in FBG.  It's coming up on 
a month since I started IF, with very low carbs, and my typical FBG has 
dropped below 90 for the first time ever. 
Fantastic results Todd!  This is in line with the potential benefits to IF 
that Dr. Michael Eades posted on his blog.  He requested that people trying IF 
within a lowcarb context post results at his blog -- yours, especially if they 
continue, could be quite helpful for others.

I have paradoxically noticed more energy during my empty stomach workouts -- 
and even on days when I do interval training.  Have you noticed any change in 
your energy levels? Sleep patterns?