Please sign the petition below.  
This was sent to me from another list, I just thought everyone should have a say.
To those who favor accessible currency,
When I heard about the decision of the District Court of the
District of Columbia that blind people should have access to currency, I
was ecstatic. When I heard the decision was going to be appealed, I was
frustrated. I felt I needed to do something. It was suggested that I
create an internet petition that people could sign, and print up when
they go to visit their congressional representatives. To this end, I
Please note the use of the number 4 in the above url.
This website is an internet petition you can sign to make your voice
heard. Together, we can let congress know we feel this is an important
I want to briefly thank Earlene Hughes for encouraging me to
write this petition, and members of the Blind Information Technology
Specialists affiliate for assistance with setting up the domain.
I hope you will sign this petition, and make your feelings
known. This web site was set up only a few hours ago, so although I can
reach it, you may have trouble. Simply wait a couple hours and try
Thank you in advance for signing.
Michael Malver

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