Boy that pastor sure has not had any psycology lesson's.  I hope he never haves to have help like that.  Like Jesus says "As you have done it on to those, you have done onto Me."  I hope I never go to that pastor's church.  

Father in Heaven we know you love Rhonda's friend and want her to heal.  Put your arms around her and show her she does have a relationship with you and can trust in you.  Help her to find a real church that loves her and will help her when in need.  Thank for this Jesus I am asking for her.  In your precious name we pray.  Amen

Christ is the reason for the season. If there was not Chirst. There would be no Christ-mas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! 
Karen Carter 
Class of '74

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Rhonda Partain <[log in to unmask]> 

I have a friend who tried to take her life last week, she had some problems at work, and attempted to talk to her pastor who told her she was just wallowing in self pity….the whole conversation was very negative, all about what she wasn’t doing, she  doesn’t do well in crowds and  didn’t attend many fellowships that the church had… must be maditory that one attend regulary.  He said her relationship with God was didley squat….anyway,  this was the last straw, she took a lot of pills, a friend found her the next morning and she was taken to the hospital….she is ok now, well, alive, still has issues to work through.
Here is a poem I sent her.
I said a prayer for you today,
For I too have been there,
Wanting only to leave this world
Thinking no one would even care,
I too have felt alone,
Misunderstood and afraid,
I have felt  rejected as others pointed out mistakes I’d made,
But  our God has compassion,
For those whose hearts are filled with fear,
He is always watching,
Is aware of every tear,
He does not chide us for our fears,
But assures of His love,
Forgives us our many mistakes,
For He knows what we are made of,
I said a prayer for you today,
For you are so special to me,
There have been times in my life,
When you were God to me,
A listening ear, a caring heart,
A place to spend the night,
And so I thank God for you,
And pray he  makes all things work out right,
It’s a promise he gave,
You will make it through,
Just always remember I am here,
I love you and I’m praying for you.
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