I sent an inquiry to Dr. Cordain's website and the webmaster said they 
would ask Dr. Cordain if he would address those issues at his upcoming 
teleseminar on acne.    No guarantees of course, but it was very thoughtful 
for them to get back to me so promptly.  

I am most curious to know if this betacellulin issue is of concern in goat 
and sheep as well as cow. Bovine IGF-1 for instance is identical to human 
IGF-1, but this is not so for goat and sheep IGF-1. Also, if it is 
contained in all forms of dairy ie whey, butter, cream, kefir etc.

Even if betacellulin increases EGF and even if EGF fuels some unwanted 
growth -- could the problem (if there is one) be dose dependent.  In other 
words, could some be neutral or even beneficial but excess detrimental?  
I'm thinking of a carb analogy - some is desirable, but too much wreaks 
havoc.  Thoughts?  Sorry if my analogy is bad -- just a thought...